ZEUS Zeus is an approx. 3-4 year old male Wheatable. He weighs approx. 40 lbs. Zeus is a very sweet, laid back boy and gives a mean Wheaten Greetin'. He gets along well with other dogs and all people. He loves to hug and cuddle and loves to play with a ball and fuzzy toys. Zeus came into rescue with heartworms which have been treated. In his first foster home he got loose and was hit by a car requiring surgery on his leg but it has been repaired and is healed with no lasting effects. He is neutered and up to date on shots MAY 2009 - A FOREVER HOME Zeus has been adopted by Katherine Engel of Minnesota CONGRATULATIONS |
Feel better soon you sweet pup. Lisa and Kramer |
Get well soon Zeus! Brooke Rhodes |
Elena Acakios |
Darlene Ghents |
Sean Redding |
Christina Alvares |
Trudy Ketler |
Tina Pipinos |
Linda Tunstall |
Best wishes to Zeus Geraldine Lambrecht |
Shiela Johnston |
Janelle Pitula |
Wishing Zeus a speedy recovery so he'll soon be running and playing again. Rob Burke and Kacey |
Dear Zeus. wishing you a speedy recover. I will be watching your progress. Cheryl Pongratz |
Mary Hain |
You're in our prayers. Dorothy & John Hurley |
In Loving Memory of Taylor Dayne Tim and Jayne Lewis |
Cairn Kisses, Westie Nose Nudges, and a Whirl from the S'Wheatie! Nancy and the terrific terraforming terriers in Deep River, CT |
Claire Adams |
Rosemary Nichols |
Best Wishes to Zeus for a speedy recovery and finding a good home. Kerry & Mia Marinov |
Zeus, we hope you are back up on all 4's quickly! Harry in NC |
Jennifer Plumb |
David Burnworth |
Best Wishes for Zeus for a speedy recovery and finding a good home. Kerry and Mia Marinov |