
Winston is a male Wheatable.  His
estimated DOB is 6/05

Winston is a owner turn-in. Below is
some info from them:

We have come to the heartbreaking
decision that our Wheaten, named
Winston, would be better off in a
different home. We work and have two
children under two in our home. Our
youngest is a magnet to Winston and
constantly plays with him-or wants to.
The problem with her playing with him-is
that to him it is harassment. Well, to
anyone it would be harassment. : ) For
instance, she likes to show everyone
where their eyes are-and Winston isn't
so  keen on having his eyes poked.
Which means, of course, that we have to
keep the two separated - which means
Winston spends too much time alone.
He is the best dog you could imagine.

> he does not like toddlers- he should
not be in a home with young
children. He would make a good
buddy for older children.

> he likes to sleep in the bed with his
family. but is okay sleeping on his own.

> he wants to be with people. He does
not like being outside alone.

> he only barks if there is a reason.

Winston is neutered and up to date on
shots. He is located in Decatur, GA
AUGUST 2010 -

Winston has been adopted by
the Pierson Family of Georgia