ROXY Roxy is a female Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Her DOB is 7.6.11 Roxy is a super sweet young girl who has had it pretty rough lately and really needs our help. She is unbelievably sweet! She has an Irish coat and she weighs about 32 lbs. ROXY is reported as phenomenal with every living thing, great with people, awesome with kids, loves other dogs, and even likes cats! Roxy owners also report her as house trained and crate trained. Unfortunately, poor Roxy has some allergies that have been allowed to get out of control as you can see in her photos. She will need a special home that will work with us to get her well and beautiful again. She is young and S'Wheat Rescues will work with her new home to get her on the right food and treatments for her allergies. Update 4/27/13 Roxy is thriving in her new foster home and her skin has already gotten, much much better as you can see in the new pictures where she is wearing the pink collar. Her foster mom reports her to be friendly and outgoing, though a little reserved with men. She LOVES kids and becomes very happy and excited when around them. A family with children over 6 would make this little girl very happy! Roxy is spayed and up to date on shots. |
Barbara Aebel |
JUNE 2013 - A FOREVER HOME Roxy has been adopted by the Haynes family of Texas Congratulations! |