MoJo is a male Wheatable.  
His est. DOB is 5/12

MoJo has quite the story to tell. He was
found tied to a fence outside a shelter
in rural Montana. The shelter believes
he has radial nerve damage caused by
an apparent kick to the chest.

We wanted to help MoJo but his
location made getting him to us a
problem. But luckily for MoJo his Angel
came along in the form of Trucker Joe
who drove him all the way from
Montana to Kansas City in his big rig.
MoJo's name is combo of where he
came from and his very own Angel Joe.

As you can see in his video below,
MoJo has trouble using his front legs
properly. Now that he has arrived here
in Kansas City he will be going directly
to our vet for x-rays and hopefully a
plan to help him regain full use of his
limbs. The good news is he does not
seem to be in any pain at this time.

MoJo is a happy, friendly boy, he loves
to snuggle and give kisses and is
getting along well with the other dogs
here in the Rescue.

The vets really cannot find anything
physically wrong with Mojo or an
explanation of why he walks like this.
He may have been injured as a puppy
and learned to walk this way as a result
but the vets say it is not hurting him to
walk this way. Guess it just makes him
an interesting conversation with
everyone who sees him for the first

MoJo is neutered and up to date on
Thank you Trucker Joe!
Denise Whisler
Jennifer Simon
Sherry Carter
Nancy Koval
Leslie Steis
Ann Zavarelli
Kate Whisler in memory
of Amber and Molly
Ann Zavarelli
Ann Zavarelli
Nancy Roman
Dorothy Hurley
Mary Faughnan
Susan Weber
Laura Finlayson
AUGUST 2013 -

MoJo has been adopted by the
Prosser family of Kansas
