MARY Mary is a purebred female Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Her est. DOB is 7/06 Mary was a breeding dog in a puppymill. She was released into rescue along with Ma, Pa, Laura, Carrie, Nellie, Eliza and Eddie. We were contacted by a gentleman who rescued them from that situation and wanted us to take them in and find them good homes. All of the dogs are pretty friendly and outgoing with people, a lot better socialized than the vast majority of the mill dogs we receive and we believe they will all transition into the life of a pet dog fairly easily. Mary has been spayed and is up to date on shots. She has had dental work done. |
Mary Baer |
Elise Yannett |
FEBRUARY 2012 - A FOREVER HOME! Mary has been adopted by Donna Wilke of Arizona CONGRATULATIONS! |