MARLEY Marley is a male Wheatable. He is a Wheaten/Golden Retriever mix. His DOB is 9/9/09 Marley is an owner turn-in. Some information from the owner is below: He is so cute and is basically a good pup. I just can't keep him. I've had dogs my whole life but this is the first puppy since having my kids. My husband and I both work and with all of the kid's extra activities, we just don't have enough time for our pup and that's just really not fair to him. He has way more energy than I ever expected. He's fine in the crate for 4-5. I am also not comfortable with the way he treats my kids. I researched Wheatens before getting him but never found anything (until after) that they can be bad with small children. My son is a big 7 yr. old and can handle him pretty well. But my daughter is a small 5 yr. old and he does treat her like a littermate. He just steps all over her and does the puppy biting to her ears and whatever else he can get a hold of. She is scared of him. Marley is neutered and up to date on shots. APRIL 2010 - A FOREVER HOME! Marley has been adopted by the Hendel Family of New Jersey CONGRATULATIONS! |