JOEY Joey is a male Wheatable. His est. DOB is 11/10 Joey is very small and weighs about 15 lbs right now but is underweight We know very little about Joey at this time other than he was hit by a car and then taken, injured, to an animal shelter. His owner was contacted and said they would come and get him but never did. We were alerted about him by a Rescue supporter on Facebook and as soon as we saw the pictures of this injured boy sitting in a cage we knew we had to help him. It took a lot of jumping through hoops but he is now safely in Rescue and will be getting the veterinary care he desperately needs. We have found out troubling information that he was hit by the car way back on Oct. 31 and has a tooth hanging, road rash you can see in these pictures and also a gash in his leg that goes down to the bone and may be broken as well. Poor guy is understandably a little growly and snippy as we are sure he is in a lot of pain. Nov. 19th Update We got him in to the vet today. He will be undergoing surgery either this afternoon or in the morning. The easy parts are that he has a tooth that needs to be removed and he needs to be neutered. The hard part comes with his rear leg. The injury is to the hock and they really cannot tell by x-ray if it is broken or dislocated. They are going to have to go in and look. A decision will be made by the vet when they are in there whether or not the hock will heal. If they feel it is not something that can heal they will amputate his back leg. I can't imagine the pain this little guy went through in the shelter for the last 18 days but we are getting him fixed up. A huge thank you to those of you who have already become Angels to Joey - he needs them! Nov. 20th Update Good news for Joey today. Although the joint was dislocated and the tendon torn they were able to stabilize the joint using pins and we believe Joey will not lose his leg. He goes back to the vet in 2 weeks to get the stitches out and have the splint replaced and in 4-5 weeks he will have to have the pins removed. He still has a long road to healthiness but luckily he has a great foster mom committed to seeing him through. The tooth removal and neutering went off without a hitch as well. Dec. 1st Update from Foster mom: Joey is doing really well. We are trying to keep him from jumping onto beds, but we keep finding that he doesn't want to be held down! He is as smart as a whip, and very protective of the household! Dec. 5th Update Joey got a glowing bill of health with the vet today! They removed his sutures and checked his hock and changed the wrap. He's healing so well that the vet said we'll look at it again in two weeks instead of four! Jan. 24 Update Just back from the vet with Joey. They took new X-rays to make certain all is well. There is a good build-up of repaired bone in the hock now. NO MORE CASTS! Now we just have to re-build the flexibility in the affected joints and muscle. He will probably not regain motion in the hock, but it's strength will be enough so that it won't (has not) stopped his activity. Also, the road burn is always going to be a battle scar, but since his hair is on the longer side, it won't be very noticeable. Two weeks of home PT until the next vet's visit Joey is neutered and up to date on shots. He is located in Hazel Crest, IL |
Mary-Ellen Hunnewell |
Barbara Glantz |
Linda Garretson |
Dominic Bucci |
Buckingham Interiors + Design |
Erin Miles |
Lauren Perrine |
Leslie Weichelt |
Susan Weber |
Aileen Cox |
paul santangelo |
Renee Seal |
Kyle Golder |
Karen Grauzlis |
Cristopher Rzepka |
Susan Howard |
Susan Yahn |
Patrick Bushnell |
Nancy Roman |
Linda Duggan |
Katarzyna Ciuba |
Abbey Faruzzo |
susan miranda |
Julie B Wood |
Debra Murray |
Linda Keehn |
Danielle Duda |
Leslie Steis |
Janice Fuquay |
Ann Kaat |
Edward Srednicki |
Jean Li |
Susan Ploetz |
Armand DeLuca |
Leslie Weichelt |
Mary Faughnan |
Margaret M McMahon |
dorothy hurley |
Jean Davis |
Stephanie Weeden |
Laura Flanagan |
Ami Camardo |
Andrea McCutcheon |
Danielle Cosentino |
Felecia Studstil |
APRIL 2013 - A FOREVER HOME! Joey has been adopted by the Foran Family of Illinois Congratulations! |