Goodwin is a purebred male Soft Coated
Wheaten Terrier.  His estimated DOB is

Goodwin spent the first years of his life
in a puppymill. To learn more about dogs
that come from this environment please

Goodwin is a little shy but he warms up
quickly and is a very sweet boy.


Came through the neuter great, teeth
were a mess and were cleaned but did
not lose any.  And now the eye. Good
news is they did not have to remove it,
simply because he really does not have
one. Vet said he was born this way, there
is a rudimentary eyeball that is very small
and completely blind. Said he was not in
pain and removing the "eye" would
cause him a lot of pain and open him up
to infection so of course we left it alone.
The matting is just due to tear
production and no one wiping it away or
taking care of him. With proper cleaning
and possibly eyedrops it won't do that


As you can see in the new pics,
Goodwin's coat has grown out and he is
a gorgeous boy. He has come a long way
in socialization with both people and
other dogs and he is ready to take his
place in a home that will love him the
way he deserves to be loved!

Update from Foster Mom:

Goodwin (Goodie) is doing great.  He has
grown into a very loveable and sweet
boy. He has figured out that the couch
and bed are much more comfortable
than that cold floor - especially when
I'm in them.  He loves to be petted and
has learned to love the walk and comes
freely to get his leash on and go out.  He
romps through the yard like a true
wheaten!  The only issue from the
missing eye is some peripheral issues -
especially with the sliding glass door.  
Goodie is a very quiet boy and is still a
little jumpy at quick moves and loud
noises. He is not a demanding dog and
doesn't require or ask for much - - he
would be a great addition to anyone
who wants a loveable, quiet, and
easy going companion.

Goodwin is neutered and up to date on
shots.  He is located in Kansas City, KS
Tiffany Mitchell
In Memory of
Maxxie Erickson
Markus & Ilka
with Oscar und Tessa
Ann Zavarelli
Ann Kaat
Dinah Brock
Theresa Incagnoli
Darrell Dorsey
Ann Kaat
Chassie Halsey
Debra Helen Terrell
Havanna Tabbal
MARCH 2011 -

Goodwin has been adopted by
the Ferrier Family of California