DORA Dora is a purebred female Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Her DOB is 10/6/09. Her mother is Ginger who is also up for adoption Dora was with a group of 10 Wheatens that were rescued from a miller in Texas. We took all of the Wheatens from the mill so they are no longer breeding them! Dora is a little shy and unsure but is learning that petting and especially belly rubs are really good things These pictures were taken after dark when we got back to MO - we will take better pictures in a few days after she has settled in and had a bath. Dora is too young to be spayed. We will place her under a special puppy foster to adopt contract. You can read it HERE. She will be spayed at 4 months and Adoption will not be final until proof of spay has been received. Dora is up to date with shots for her age. FEBRUARY 2009 - A FOREVER HOME Dora has been adopted by the Belicove Family of Indiana CONGRATULATIONS! |
Leah Moore |
Kate McCombe |