DIXIE Dixie is a purebred female Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. Her DOB is 10/6/09. Her mother is Ginger who is also up for adoption Dixie was with a group of 10 Wheatens that were rescued from a miller in Texas. We took all of the Wheatens from the mill so they are no longer breeding them! Dixie is a very sweet little girl who has the typical Wheaten needle sharp puppy teeth and she likes to chew on fingers! These pictures were taken after dark when we got back to MO - we will take better pictures in a few days after she has settled in and had a bath. Dixie is too young to be spayed. We will place her under a special puppy foster to adopt contract. You can read it HERE. She will be spayed at 4 months and Adoption will not be final until proof of spay has been received. Dixie is up to date with shots for her age. MARCH 2010 - A FOREVER HOME! Dixie has been adopted by the Flohl family of New York. Congratulations! |
Leah Moore |
Katherine Zmijewski |
Terry Incagnoli |