CHANDLER Chandler is a male Wheatable. His est DOB is 3/07 Chandler was hit by a car and taken to a kill shelter in California. His owner was contacted and refused to reclaim him. He was not available for adoption due to his injuries. We found out about Chandler little more than 24 hours before he was scheduled to be euthanized. After seeing this poor dejected boy laying there in a cone we knew we had to try and save him so our Team Rescue went into overdrive and was able to find a foster home and a local animal rescue to help us get him safe. Chandler's pull was facilitated by Julie Ashleigh with ARK Animal Rescue out of San Clements. A huge THANK YOU for helping us save Chandler's life! We are happy to report that Chandler is now healed from his injuries, has gained some much needed weight and his fur has grown back in nicely. From his foster mom: Chandler is a charmer, to be sure. He is going to make a lucky family very happy. He makes a great companion (he likes to follow people around - even when they don't realize it) and has a good balance between knowing when to be obedient (going to his crate when we need to leave for a dog-less errand) and when to be self-reliant (entertaining himself when we are all busy). He seems to love each family member equally but is the "new best friend" of whoever plays with him last! Chandler is quite intelligent (not to compare them, but he seems to be much quicker to understand things than our own Mason) but seems to be reluctant to learn new commands (although we have been somewhat successful with "sit" and "wait"). He came to us already knowing how to play fetch (something that I wish he'd teach Mason), but he is not very good on leash yet. When he really wants something (e.g. chunks of scrambled egg), he does an indescribably cute 4-footed happy dance. Chandler is neutered and up to date on shots. |
Sally J Higgins |
Marianne Berkey |
Kelly Vollbracht |
Elizabeth A Cook |
Nancy Roman |
AUGUST 2013 - A FOREVER HOME Chandler has been adopted by Karen Marston of Arizona Congratulations! |