BISCUIT Biscuit is a female Wheatable. Her estimated DOB is 4/07 Biscuit's owner could no longer care for her and a family member took her in to find a home. Some info from them: She is very very sweet and super smart and can figure out how to open doors, etc... Bisquit is obviously a bright dog and too smart for her own good. She could probably stand to lose a few pounds as she's quite chunky. She does NOT, however, get along with other smaller dogs; at least that's what we were told and she's growled at our guys here, but we haven't pushed the issue may have nothing more to do than with her being confined all her life in a small cage...we've seen that quite often unfortunately. We have not tried to integrate her with others here so she has been in a large enclosure (10 foot x 12 foot) by herself until we could figure out where she's going; at least she has plenty of exercise and room to run around. She possibly would be alright with bigger dogs that she couldn't intimidate, but definitely no little ones. She's not mean, but she wants to be bossy and I would call her an alpha dog for that reason. Probably not cats either as where she came from did not have felines. She doesn't seem too concerned with our cats though, but then again we haven't made an issue of them being around her if possible. No point in tempting fate. She definitely adores children (she gets happy and excited when she sees kids; we have a 13 year old and she has taken to her) and is a good watchdog, but not an incessant barker. She just needs help and we're trying. Update - May 2nd Biscuit has now moved to Kansas City. Her coat was a mess so we decided the best thing to do was just shave it all off and let it all grow out at once. We have discovered she has a large tumor on her belly as you can see in the pics to the right. This will be removed when she is spayed. If you would like to be a Angel for this little girls surgery please use the link at the top of the page. Remember that all donations are tax deductible! She is incredibly sweet and a little shy but warms up quickly. She has been out in the yard with all the boys and gave them warnings if they got fresh with her but is getting along well. She has a Wheaten sized body and head but has short little legs - very cute! As you can see she has black coloring on her tongue. It is an old wives tale that dogs with black on their tongues have chow in them - she does not. It is simply overpigmentation. 5/18 Update Belle has had her tumor successfully removed and is healing well. She is such a happy go lucky girl and nothing seems to phase her. To the right is a movie shot tonight of her playing in the yard with Buck and Belle who are also up for adoption. Biscuit is spayed and up to date on shots. NOVEMBER 2010 - A FOREVER HOME! Biscuit has been adopted by the Ralls Family of California CONGRATULATIONS! |
Jane Ochman |
Janice Gumerman |
Markus & Ilka with Oscar & Tessa |
In Memory of Rye Lauren Allen |
Charles Cottone |
Darlene Ghents |